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The Future of Work is Now—and it’s Radically Inclusive

This is a guest post written by Launchways partners Rada Yovovich and Chanté Thurmond, representing The Darkest Horse, a next generation Diversity & Inclusion consulting firm.

The Long-Awaited “Future of Work” Has Come Early, and Brought Surprises Galore

Particularly in the last few years, Thought Leaders have been heralding the approach of “The Future of Work,” imagining a model of what “work” would look like in a world of abundant emerging technologies including artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation. That future vision has typically focused on the need to manage a shift of the workforce to virtual, remote, and alternative models to full-time staff (gig-based, contract-based, and part-time labor, for example).

Enter COVID-19, and the timetable has changed, and brought with it a number of unexpected features. In a matter of weeks, we’ve seen non-essential workers being told to work from home (WFH) while sheltering-in-place. Organizations, in an effort to recalibrate their budgets in tightened consumer and supply chain markets, have done their best to be creative by adapting HR policies and employment contracts to allow for safer working conditions, flexible hours, and many have reduced their workforce resulting in employees being shifted to subcontractors, part-time status, or have simply been laid off, forcing them to seek new income opportunities from home.

Who would have guessed that these disrupting shifts to work-from-home would coincide, hand-in-hand, with equally disrupting shifts to school-from-home, making working parents into teachers as well? And who would have predicted the explosive and breathtaking speed of almost-universal adoption of Zoom and other web-conferencing services?

This is not the graceful, opportunity-driven entrance into the future we may have envisioned. In fact, initial waves of surprises produced longings for a “return to normal.” But, more recently, subsequent waves of signals from the future have pointed toward possible shapes of things to come. Many uncertainties remain, but some things have become quite clear. We most certainly aren’t going “back to normal!” The past has passed, and it is not coming back. Winners and losers will be defined by their agility in adopting new technologies, by the ability to learn and innovate quickly, and by how well they attract and retain top talent.

Competing for Talent in the Future of Work

In a world where more companies’ workforce is remote/virtual, the geographic and financial constraints of recruiting melt away. Suddenly, teams have an opportunity to pursue a truly global talent pool in a more democratized way—allowing them to expand their talent search beyond their local zip codes.

The expansion goes beyond geography. Entire populations of people for whom a traditional office role is challenging, unsafe, or even impossible are finally able to access the labor market in a more equitable and inclusive way. These include, just to name a few:

  • Individuals with significant physical disabilities
  • Individuals who are gender nonconforming or going through a gender transition
  • Individuals with phobias or other mental health challenges
  • Individuals with chronic or acute health conditions
  • Neurodiverse individuals
  • Caregivers, whether for children or aging/ill family members

These types of barriers to workplace accessibility can be easier to accommodate in a remote-work context. Individuals can curate their space and constraints to meet their own needs, particularly if their organization provides proper technology, infrastructure and policies to support them.

The Best Talent is Diverse

The greatest talent in the world includes members of populations who are suddenly gaining access in this new normal. If your organization is hiring the best talent without bias, members of your team will represent a wide array of cultures and identities.

Not only is diversity an inevitable outcome of unbiased recruitment practices, but the data shows diverse teams far outperform homogenous teams. This ROI has been proven time and time again — reports by Forbes, Mercer, the Harvard Business Review, and many more demonstrate that a diversified workforce drives innovation and business growth — bottom line: diverse organizations perform better.

Here’s How: Practice Inclusion and Equity Throughout your Employee Lifecycle

  • It starts with Attraction.
    • Inclusive employer branding, content marketing, events and continuous networking
  • Talent Acquisition and Recruitment.  
    • Engaging diverse talent, identify diverse sourcing opportunities, curb unconscious biases, reduce barriers to application process, create transparent process and develop culturally intelligent communication practices
  • Hiring and Onboarding
    • Transparency, over-communication and personalization can make all the difference
    • Combat bias by building a fair and consistent processes
    • Build interview guides and scorecards that are clear and objective
  • Employer Benefits and Compensation
    • Promotion of wellness programming is more important now than ever before
    • Re-evaluate and optimize for equity and gender parity
  • Employee Engagement and Training & Development
    • Make it a regular practice to check-in with your employees. Conduct pulse-surveys that specifically gauge inclusion, equity and belonging. Click here to learn how The Darkest Horse can help your organization with this!
    • Cultivate an inclusive culture
    • Offer inclusive and accessible learning experiences and develop clear learning/career pathways
  • Performance Management
    • Here’s your opportunity to acknowledge, celebrate and reward for each team member’s cultural contribution, unique ways of working, and fostering a culture of inclusion!
    • This is also an opportunity to re-evaluate your performance metrics. Some questions you may want to ask yourself includes:
      • Is your process fair, equitable and inclusive?
      • Are your policies unintentionally punitive or do they lean towards corrective action?
  • Foster Community
    • Create, support, and invest in Employee Resource/Affinity Groups

The Future is Yours!

Now is the time to catch the wave of change and surf it to success—don’t get pulled into the undertow of clinging to old ways of working! Here are a few steps to move your organization towards the future of work:

  1. Harness the inclusion capacity of your organization. Identify the innovative, forward-thinking, and inclusion-minded changemakers in your organization. Activate them toward a goal of fostering inclusion. Empower them to set audacious goals and affect disruptive change when needed, and support them with leadership buy-in.
  2. Get help. When you have reached the bounds of your team’s capacity for in-house inclusion efforts, partner with inclusion experts like The Darkest Horse to bring in external support for consulting, training, facilitation, and events/experiences.
  3. Use the right tools. Work with an HR and Benefits expert like Launchways to ensure your HR processes and benefits packages meet the needs of a modern workforce.
  4. Keep learning. Join our upcoming webinar on mental health in the workplace for forward-thinking business leaders.

About The Darkest Horse:
The Darkest Horse (TDH) is a women and minority-owned next-gen consultancy firm helping the workforce and organizations explore the intersections of Radical Inclusion; The Future of Work; Emerging Technology; Health, Well-Being and Human Potential.

The Darkest Horse partners with organizations to empower diverse talent to thrive by embracing emerging technologies and instituting strategies that maximize human potential.

Follow us: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

Website: www.thedarkesthorse.com

Listen to our podcast: https://anchor.fm/tdh-podcast

Becoming Unbeatable Together: Building a Data-Driven Approach to Diversity & Inclusion

Part 1: Setting Yourself Up to Become Unbeatable

Defining Diversity & Inclusion

Before we dive deep into the power of Diversity and Inclusion, let’s take a second to establish our terms and clarify what D&I actually looks like.

  • Workplace Diversity: The practice of hiring, promoting, and building a team in a way that brings together people of different backgrounds, educations, personal histories, experiences, and areas of expertise.
  • Workplace Inclusion: The practice of ensuring diverse voices are fully comfortable, integrated into, and valued as members of a thriving, complementary, interdependent team.

To be clear, diversity is nothing without inclusion! It’s pointless and somewhat dishonest to build a diverse team only to maintain a leadership framework where a certain “in-group” maintains the power to impactfully steer the ship while a nominally diverse team underneath them feels disenfranchised or fearful.

Why Diversity and Inclusion Build the Best Possible Team

The true potential of humanity lies in our ability to come together and build a unit that’s more powerful than the sum of its parts. A group of people from similar backgrounds, educations, and ways of navigating the world might be able to put their heads together to come up with one, two, or even three ways of solving a given problem, but when you invite professionals of diverse backgrounds to the table, the possibilities are far more open-ended.

When businesses make diversity and inclusion main values and priorities, they can gain incredible benefits, includes:

  • Increased brainstorming/innovation potential
  • More access to outside-the-box problem-solving
  • A wider skill and knowledge base across the organization
  • A thinktank and business team that accurately reflects the national and global marketplace

Building a Foundation for a Great Team

There’s no magic recipe you can learn to turn D&I into areas of pride and opportunity for your business, but the key is to foster a strong culture. If that culture is one that values diversity of people and ideas, fights for representation and inclusion in every situation, and works to give everybody a voice, then you can really capitalize on the innovative power of D&I.

Workplace culture determines both the levels of buy-in, engagement, and persistence your team will put into their work on a day-to-day basis, their feeling of personal investment and their job, and the dedication they put into embracing and maintaining the company culture. Great talent wants to work in a culture that supports them and sets them up for success. When they encounter a situation where they don’t feel comfortable, valued, or positively plugged in, they leave quickly.

Creating a Level Playing Field Through Education

While diversity hiring programs are nearly ubiquitous in the big business world, they often lack the crucial, consistent ground-level follow-through (inclusion) that turns that diversity into business power. Employee education (in the form of in-house training or formal professional development) is a key piece of the puzzle when it comes to shaping your existing culture into the kind of inclusive environment that sets the business up to win big with D&I.

Of course, you can’t just do diversity and anti-harassment education to check them off the list for compliance purposes – employees can smell that from a mile away, and it directly affects their ability to engage authentically with the training and reflect on the information in a way that’s going to augment their mindset or behavior at work. Discussions of diversity and inclusion need to be powerful, real, and backed by thought-provoking human-to-human engagement – not a comprehension quiz at the end.

Designing and building that education program is a key step in articulating, fostering, and supporting a great employee culture. When you give great talent something important to aspire to and make it real for them, the possibilities are endless. At the same time, worker education creates a foundation for accountability and makes it easier to remove toxic mindsets that do damage to inclusion or morale.

Don’t Hesitate to Be Great!

The biggest mistake organizations make is waiting to articulate the perfect approach to D&I. Every business can and should be doing something about diversity and inclusion at scale today. If you think diversity training or inclusion workshops would be valuable to your team, seek out a great independent PD provider who can help you today – don’t form a committee to discuss what the training might look like two years from now.

Of course, long-term initiatives are key to harnessing diversity and inclusion as business strategies over time, but the best thing any organization can do from a talent-centric and corporate decency standpoint is to identify a starting point and dig into exploring the challenge and addressing the issues at hand.

In the next section of this book, we’ll explore some of the thinking points and strategies businesses can use to find a starting point for their D&I program, articulate a commitment to diversity and inclusion and begin creating that great culture and winning team. Depending on the size, industry, or existing culture of your business, some of these approaches might be more relevant or feasible early-on in the process than others, but any of these strategies will help you grow in your ability to embrace D&I in a powerful, data-driven way.

Part 2: Planning to Become Unbeatable

Webinar: Everything You Wanted to Know About Workplace Diversity & Inclusion but Were Afraid to Ask

Diversity and inclusion are the keys to creating a truly modern team that’s built to maximize each individual’s skills, shore up individual weaknesses, and build a powerful unit that can thrive, brainstorm, problem-solve, and celebrate achievements together. With that said, getting diversity and inclusion right is such an important responsibility that many HR and business leaders continue to hire for cultural fit, leaving a coordinated, purposeful D&I initiative for another day.

In order for businesses to succeed and innovate into the 2020s, that kind of thinking needs to stop. Each and every employer should be doing something at scale to encourage diversity and foster inclusion. The businesses that do not will soon stand to miss out on some of the world’s best talent and leave themselves exposed to costly lawsuits.In order to demystify the complexity of D&I and connect business and HR leaders with actionable strategies, Launchways recently held a free one-hour webinar, “Everything You Wanted to Know About Workplace Diversity & Inclusion but Were Afraid to Ask.”

The webinar featured an all-star panel of four of the Midwest’s leading experts on diversity and inclusion, each of whom provided crucial considerations and actionable strategies for businesses of any size or growth stage looking to improve their commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Rebekah Wolford of Paylocity began the conversation by articulating the importance of diversity and inclusion as prized values baked into the core of what your organization does and represents. She explained how D&I initiatives all about building the “We” that’s going to maximize company potential and customer experience.

Rebekah also provided a valuable real-world case study for D&I success by walking through how she and her team planned, initiated, and built an impactful diversity and inclusion program at Paylocity. She discussed…

  • How to use surveys and HCM data to build an understanding of the current state of D&I at your organization
  • Which data points should be most important to your D&I planning and assessment
  • How to create a comfortable space in which employees and leadership can challenge each other
  • How to be sure you’re practicing inclusive behaviors and creating a strong culture
  • How to use employee resource groups (ERGs) as an on-going part of a D&I strategy
  • How to create and provide meaningful D&I training for your team

Rada Yovovich of The Darkest Horseshared some of her wisdom as an expert diversity and inclusion consultant, expanding on the vital importance of strong company culture and discussing how businesses can work towards getting there from any starting point.

Rada stressed that the workplace is an unintentional “bias factory,” which presents an unwelcoming or additionally challenging situation for diverse talent. She specifically discussed how organizations can work to identify and eliminate bias in their job postings, hiring interactions, and performance management evaluations. She also explained…

  • How to build buy-in for your D&I program by making it authentic to, designed for, and reflective of your organization’s existing culture
  • How to use employee engagement to drive forward the culture and team you aspire to
  • How to recognize, address, and eliminate the unconscious bias that works against diversity and inclusion
  • How to provide non-judgmental employee assessments by staying grounded in functional competencies
  • How to create a documentation trail that protects your business in compliance scenarios

Dr. Renee McLaughlin of Cignadrew upon her years of experience as an LGBTQ+ inclusion and healthcare professional to emphasize the importance of proactive planning in corporate D&I. Whether it’s an early-stage organization devising a plan for maintaining their strong culture if a merger or buyout occurs or choosing which healthcare offerings will ideally support your team, the best answer is to have a clear, powerful plan in place.

Renee also provided tremendous insight into the necessity of transition resources for professionals in any workplace. That means having a policy-backed transition plan, proactively working to ensure the safety of trans professionals, and providing healthcare offerings that provide trans team members with the best opportunity to be their authentic selves at work. She specifically discussed…

  • Why diversity and inclusion are especially relevant for early-stage businesses
  • How to work toward combining cultures in a positive, authentic way during a business merger scenario
  • How early stage companies can plan proactively to reduce these challenges
  • How to proactively address the needs of LGBTQ+ employees, particularly transgender team members, through company policies and insurance offerings
  • Which specific terms need to be included in your policies
  • How to plan to address resistant beliefs in LGBTQ+ inclusion scenarios
  • The importance of understanding all local laws related to LGBTQ+ rights, particularly for multi-site corporations

Alex Koglin of Launchways applied his expertise as a leading employee benefits consultant and LGBTQ+ rights activist in the Chicago area to provide specific insight into how you can build alignment between your benefits offerings and your commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Alex provided specific employee benefits recommendations that organizations can use to build the necessary support for diversity, inclusion, and transition that Renee, Rebekah, and Rada discussed. He explained…

  • How to create a strong, supportive D&I framework regardless of your personal feelings through employee benefits and healthcare offerings
  • The importance of benefits offerings that account for domestic partners and same-sex spouses
  • How to ensure your transgender employees’ healthcare needs are met
  • The importance of providing robust mental health coverage as well as physical healthcare
  • How to provide on-going health and wellness education to maximize team-wide well-being

    Get the Full Webinar!If you’re a business, HR, or finance leader looking to learn more about the potential of diversity and inclusion within an organization or connect with real strategies you can use to turn your business into a D&I powerhouse, be sure to check out the full “Everything You Wanted to Know About Workplace Diversity and Inclusion…” session here.

The hour-long diversity and inclusion webinar contains a wealth of knowledge on D&I topics, including…

  • The first steps of D&I initiative design
  • Strategies for fostering a company-wide culture of diversity and inclusion
  • How to back up diverse hiring with meaningful inclusion
  • How to view your employee benefits offerings through the lens of diversity and inclusion
  • How you can ensure your policies and procedures support LGBTQ+ talent to maximize their comfort and value

The Real Cost of Getting Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Wrong

When businesses truly embrace diversity and inclusion, they create a powerful, complementary team that’s unbeatable together . Unfortunately, though, there’s no magic wand you can wave to get there.

To leverage the incredible team-building and innovative potential of diversity and inclusion, businesses need to articulate strong values, make them a real part of daily work culture, and create policies and procedures that hold themselves and their employees accountable. It takes honest commitment, thoughtful planning, strong follow-through, and built-in checks and balances along the way.

With that said, no business should be dissuaded from working towards building diverse and inclusive HR policies just because the work is complex. In fact, organizations who don’t tackle the challenge and opportunity of diversity head-on only set themselves up to stagnate.

In this post we’ll explore:

  • What strong workplace diversity and inclusion “look like” as we near 2020
  • How truly valuing diversity and inclusion builds success for businesses
  • The many costs associated with undervaluing and not practicing workplace diversity and inclusion
  • How HR professionals trying to increase their knowledge of current best practices for diversity and inclusion can connect with the best resources

The State of Workplace Diversity & Inclusion

The world of workplace diversity has transformed immensely over the past decade. A diverse, progressive, and inclusive workplace culture can no longer be treated like an optional, industry-specific perk. Instead, a commitment to diversity and inclusion has become a necessity for businesses at any size. In fact, diversity and inclusion policies are increasingly requirements when it comes to disclosures for business partnerships, grant applications, and proposals.

In today’s modern work climate, organizations that don’t understand and leverage the value of workplace diversity will fail to outperform their competitors.

Let’s take a minute to break down both the words “diversity” and “inclusion” and think about what they really mean in today’s marketplace.

Workplace diversity means hiring, promoting, and valuing professionals from a variety of different backgrounds, experiences, and approaches. It means employing people who think differently, look differently, and experience the world differently from each other. It means thinking beyond age, race, religion, disability, or sexual identity. It means trying to build a team that is truly complementary and reflects the world and marketplace as a whole.

Diversity, however, is nothing without inclusion. In fact, it is inclusion that has become the hot-button issue and the trendier topic over the last two years. Inclusion is the company’s devotion to and strategies for ensuring their diverse workforce functions as a true team, and all people’s skills, values, and perspectives are valued in a fair way.

As we approach 2020, diversity is firmly cemented as one of the most important values for all corporations and businesses, while inclusion is continuing to emerge and take its rightful place as a key focus of HR. Let’s take a minute to think about what benefits forward-thinking HR departments can create for their organizations when they get both diversity and inclusion right.

How Diversity & Inclusion Help Businesses Win

As an HR professional, it’s your job to build a team that sets your business up for success. From that perspective, diversity and inclusion aren’t even really values or ideals anymore – they’re simply matters of best practice.

When your organization embraces a variety of professionals, perspectives, and people, you create a team that can accomplish more than any homogeneous group. With that said, maximizing their impact means pairing that diversity with inclusion – that is to say, diverse staffing practices must be supported by policies, leadership, and day-to-day workflows that keep everybody feeling empowered and engaged.

Businesses that call pull those two components off can reap significant business results that less diverse or inclusive workplaces simply can’t access.

Talent Attraction and Retention

One of the most seismic shifts of the twenty-first century has been the deemphasis on base salary, especially in the face of a thriving workplace culture. Simply put, great talent wants to work in a great environment – one that feels warm but professional, welcoming and collegial.

People also want to work in a place where their perspective is appreciated and valued. That’s where the organization that values diversity can connect with outstanding talent. If you can establish an identity and a reputation as a business that truly creates opportunity for people based on the strengths of their talents and thinks beyond twentieth-century concepts of what corporate leadership and a productive office look like, you’ll be operating a workplace where the very best talent of every background will want to work.

Increased Authentic Engagement

When your boss is the person who signs your check, you’ll work to meet their expectations. When your boss is a person who shares your values, applies fairness in every possible situation, and builds a team of diverse voices that makes you (and everybody) feel heard, you’ll work to exceed everybody’s expectations.

By fostering a diverse team, promoting diverse leadership, and creating a workplace where everybody has the level of comfort, support, and safety they need to get their work done, you can build something truly special: an environment without glass ceilings or toxic secret inner circles. You will have a workplace where all employees feel like they’re working positively toward shared goals. This sets talent up to be their best selves and function as a whole that’s much greater and more powerful than the sum of its parts.

Building a Variety of Perspectives

Too often, organizations lock themselves into a vision, a culture, and a way of thinking early on in their lifecycle and craft hiring and promotion programs in a way that reinforces that orthodoxy. This can be a recipe for business stagnation.

Forward-thinking businesses aren’t afraid of a diversity of perspectives or approaches destabilizing what they’ve previously built. On the contrary, these businesses realize that a team with a wide variety of backgrounds creates a much greater pool of ideas for innovation, problem-solving, messaging, and more.

When each department, committee, and project team is diverse and everybody knows their perspective and work is valued, businesses create the strongest possible framework for innovative thinking, innovative work, and innovative approaches to quality assurance.

Fostering a Reputation as a True Modern Business

If you can establish a great, diverse, inclusive workplace culture where everybody feels supported and bought-in, you can turn your organization into a destination landing spot for great talent and great buzz alike. Your HR and marketing departments can leverage your thriving, positive culture as an anchor point for campaigns that help your business grow and spread the word about the great work you’re doing.

How Businesses Lose When They Don’t Prioritize Diversity & Inclusion

Organizations that lack a strong commitment to diversity don’t just miss out on all the benefits discussed previously, they also create several very real and very dangerous business problems for themselves. Whether it’s through explicit exclusion or simply a lack of care at the leadership and HR levels, businesses that disregard building a thoughtful approach to diversity put themselves in a tenuous business and legal position.

Businesses that preach diversity on paper but do little to make inclusion a daily workplace value at every level leave themselves vulnerable to many of the same problems. In fact, in some ways, a half-hearted approach to diversity and inclusion can set you up to lose bigger, as the organization comes away looking either disconnected from its values or like a fraud.

Increased Turnover

When employees don’t feel fully safe, valued, appreciated, plugged-in, or supported, they head for the door. Of all the changes to the workplace over the last twenty years, this is the one that’s caught senior leaders and HR professionals off-guard the most.

Turnover due to gaps in diversity and inclusion isn’t just the result of stereotypical harassment or bullying, though. Today’s top talent is sensitive to their environment and can generally gauge whether or not they are a fit for a job and its culture within six months. If talent feels there is a glass ceiling or lack of potential for success and personal happiness due to your organization’s lack of devotion to diversity and inclusion, they’ll just hand in their notice and move on.

No HR professional needs to be told how damaging the spend associated with turnover is. Gaps in productivity, hiring expenses, and training time all hurt the bottom line and significantly impact the team’s ability to fire on all cylinders. Even if you’re great at identifying and hiring diverse talent, you’re just setting your organization up for a brain drain if there isn’t a framework in place to ensure those professionals are valued and supported.

Lower Employee Morale & Reduced Engagement

Discrimination and exclusion are ugly things, and when people see them in the workplace – even devoted professionals – they simply can’t work like their best selves. To put it simply, toxic cultures bum people out, and nobody is motivated to do their best work when their workplace feels toxic.

With that said, the way gaps in inclusion affect morale can be subtler but no less devastating. When employees are physically present but feel like they aren’t valued, heard, and included in the same ways as their peers, their engagement level, buy-in, and quality of work begin to drop at a steady pace.

One of the biggest mistakes HR leaders make is underestimating how many people are sensitive to issues of diversity and inclusion. When discrimination occurs or inclusion is clearly not a priority, the blow to morale and buy-in extends far beyond the direct victim of the situation. That means that organizations that do wrong by their minority or LGBTQ+ employees are actually damaging the productivity, motivation, and engagement of a much higher percentage of the workforce, who stand as allies to those groups.


Diversity is a synonym of “variety,” and the less diversity an organization has, the less variety there will be in terms of innovative thinking and profit-driving work. If you get a room full of 10 people from similar backgrounds and ask them to solve a problem, they’ll probably come up with one or two well-defined ideas. In a room of 10 people from diverse backgrounds, however, you can have a much richer discussion about possible solutions because there are more ways of looking at the problem and a wider range of past experiences and familiar approaches available.

Organizations that don’t prioritize diversity and inclusion at every level within the organization set up themselves up to fall victim to groupthink. This can be especially limiting at the executive or leadership level, where a true team of complementary minds is necessary to steer the work.

Reputation & Perception as an Innovator

In this day and age, reputation is everything, for individuals and businesses alike. Tone-deaf marketing campaigns sink brands overnight, and reports of regressive, toxic, or non-inclusive culture on sites like Glassdoor can quickly limit an organization’s potential to land great talent.

When people encounter a discriminatory or non-inclusive environment in today’s culture, they’re not going to suffer in silence or keep it to themselves. They will use the tools available to make sure that the world knows exactly what gaps exist in their current or former employee’s commitment to inclusion.

Legal Issues

Of course, litigation is always the elephant in the room, especially when HR issues are concerned. When it comes to inclusion and diversity, a lack of HR commitment can quickly spiral into a costly legal situation.

On one hand, all organizations in the U.S. with at least 15 employees are beholden to the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC). EEOC investigations and adjudications can last for months, or even years, creating a long, damaging process that can devastate an organization’s ability to turn a profit in both the short- and long-term. Depending on the state in which your business is located, there may be additional anti-discrimination and inclusion laws you need to consider.

On the other, there’s the specter of civil litigation. Civil cases can be resolved much more quickly than EEOC investigations, but they can be just as damaging in terms of finance, reputation, and ongoing employee morale. No matter where your organization is located, there are several attorneys in your area who make their bread and butter on discrimination claims, and they know how to use your own policies (or lack thereof) against you to win the biggest possible award for their clients.

Key Takeaways

As an HR professional, it’s your job to build the best possible team and create an environment in which that team can thrive and succeed. Part of building that great team is truly understanding the importance of diversity to high-quality work; another part is commitment to supporting the team you’ve built with policies, procedures, and structure that help them feel plugged-in and valued.

Some key takeaways from this post include:

  • Diversity and inclusion are no longer optional workplace values
  • Businesses that create a welcoming, diverse, inclusive environment provide themselves with the best opportunities for innovation and the widest array of skills and perspectives
  • Organizations that don’t embrace diversity and inclusion stand to lose the war for talent and set themselves up for legal and financial trouble

How to Learn More

Whether you’re an emerging HR leader trying to build a better understanding of diversity and inclusion or an experienced veteran looking to bring yourself up to speed on how D&I best practices are evolving, be sure to reserve a seat at Launchways’ upcoming Diversity & Inclusion Summit for HR and Finance Leaders.

The free education session will take place after hours on Wednesday, October 16th at TechNexus in Chicago and will feature an expert panel with the Midwest’s leading HR professionals and diversity and inclusion experts, including…

·      Rebekah Wolford of Paylocity, a culture- and success-oriented HR leader with experience leading data-driven D&I initiatives

·      Alex Koglin of Launchways, a leading Chicago-area employee benefits consultant with a passion for LGBTQ+ rights

·      Chanté Thurmond of The Darkest Horse, an executive talent consultant who specializes in radical inclusion and expert team building

·      Manny Flores of SomerCor, a small business lender with a track record of empowering diverse entrepreneurs

Panel discussions will be packed with takeaways related to diversity and inclusion, including…

·      How to foster a diverse and inclusive company culture

·      How to build diverse and inclusive HR policies and practices

·      How to ensure compliance with federal and state diversity and inclusion regulations

·      How to create diverse and inclusive benefits packages.

In addition to these key insights, open Q&A and networking time will allow attendees to guide and personalize the summit experience to maximize their takeaways. If you’re a finance or HR leader in the Chicago area, be sure to save your seat at the Diversity & Inclusion Summit for HR and Finance Leaders!

This post is brought to you by our valued partner Paylocity.

How to Design Benefits for a Diverse Workforce

Addressing diversity and inclusion within your workplace is more than just giving trainings and seminars and sending informational emails. Only with true action will employees know that you’re addressing their concerns, and it can take time to show them just how committed your business is to diversity.

Updating your employee benefits package to ensure that your offerings are designed for the diverse workforce you’re looking to create and foster is a crucial step in your business’ diversity efforts.

Here’s what you need to know about the different ways your office can be inclusive, and how to design your benefits package for a truly diverse company.

Types of Workplace Diversity to Consider

The term “diversity” doesn’t just refer to one thing, and it takes many forms in the workplace and elsewhere. Types of workplace diversity to consider when taking a look at your company data and updating policies are:

  • Generational
  • Gender/gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Religious beliefs
  • Disability
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Lifestyle
  • Political views
  • And others

As you can see, diversity is more than ensuring half of your employees are women, or that people of color are represented, though those are of course important considerations. It’s also about avoiding any form of discrimination based on age, gender, race, religion, or disability.

There are many factors to think about when creating your diversity plan and updating business elements like benefits packages and employee handbook policies.

What to Include in Your Workplace Policies

First of all, remember that some applicable workplace laws are made on a state-by-state basis, not on a federal level. Some attorneys recommend going with the most comprehensive protection plans out there, even if you’re not required to do so in your state. This means you should update your policies to be in compliance with these regulations.

One example is the protection of discrimination against sexual orientation, which is not one of the included categories of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. However, sex discrimination is protected under the act, and workers have been known to file lawsuits that argue their sexual orientation cases under these protections instead.

As such, it’s a good idea to include in your policies that discriminatory actions such as firing an employee because of his or her mannerisms, or not treating a female employee fairly because she isn’t “womanlike,” are prohibited, as they are forms of sex discrimination.

Other ways to update policies accordingly is to develop or include gender-transitioning resources for employees, or to include the most current, acceptable, and inclusive terminology in employee materials.

Designing Benefits For a Diverse Workforce

The most important aspect of updating your benefits package is making sure that the benefits offered are fair and equitable to all employees.

Let’s take a look at the ways in which you can revamp your benefits offerings, in addition to your company policies. Think through these areas to get started with building a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

Financial Benefits for Different Generations

Analyze the financial benefit offerings your company currently provides, such as retirement contributions, student loan debt assistance, and savings accounts. Are they more geared toward a younger audience, or an older audience?

For example, student loan debt is an affliction that impacts generations across the board, but research from Experian showed that Generation X, who are between 39 and 54, has the most student loan debt, with Baby Boomers in second (ages 55 to 73) and Millennials third (ages 23 to 38). Although it may seem like the younger generations would want benefits related to paying off their student loans, this is clearly an issue that all generation struggle with.

Another financial consideration here is retirement benefits. Baby Boomers are the closest to retiring, but research from the Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) shows that 45% of people in this age group don’t have any retirement savings. As such, retirement savings assistance shouldn’t just be catered to the long-term. In addition, benefits like phased retirement plans and medical programs for retirees can help this generation better prepare for life after work.

Family Benefits

Another way to address diversity within benefits is what you offer for families. Important considerations in this category are:

  • Assistance with childcare
  • Parental leave
  • Adoption leave
  • Elder care services

Another benefit that can help support families through these matters is a dependent care flexible spending account, which helps employees pay for care services while they’re at work.

Benefits for Same-Sex Couples and Domestic Partners

Spousal healthcare coverage and other benefits have long been offered to heterosexual couples. It’s now important to offer these benefits for same-sex couples, in addition to couples who are in domestic partnerships. This also means that parental or family leave benefits should apply to these couples, even if they’re not legally married.

Flexibility Benefits

Because there are so many different perspectives, experiences, and abilities that exist within your workforce, a crucial benefit to provide is flexibility. Whether due to having children, a disability or illness, or caring for a sick family member, flexible work options allow employees to adapt their schedules and their location based on their personal needs. However, this means that the flexibility benefits must apply to all employees that require a different working arrangement, and cannot be implemented unfairly. Employees should feel comfortable and never feel guilty about using these benefits when they need them.


A major part of your benefits package is time off for holidays. This has typically only included the major American holidays, both religious and political. However, think about the employees within your company that don’t celebrate the “mainstream” American holidays, who instead celebrate holidays from their own cultural background.

Implement benefits that allow employees to take off the holidays that are important to their culture or religion, and make it simple for them to request these days off. One effective way to implement these benefits is to offer “floating holidays” that employees can use however they wish.

Ask Your Employees

Even with the best intentions, you won’t completely satisfy your diverse workforce unless you allow them to speak up. An easy way for your company to gain invaluable information about what workers care about and what they want in their benefits packages is simply to ask them.

Send out surveys and ask for feedback. Ask them if they feel like their needs are being recognized and respected, whatever they may be. Companies often make a mistake when they assume that employees have certain wants, needs, and beliefs, so it’s important to avoid those dangerous assumptions when updating your benefits package. Instead, let employees tell you what’s most important to them.

Key Takeaways

As you’re strategizing to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace, making tangible within your benefits package is one important way to keep your company on track. Remember:

  • There are many “types” of diversity within any workplace.
  • Create policies that offer the most protections possible against discrimination, regardless of whether your local laws require all of them.
  • Different generations have different financial priorities.
  • Offer family benefits like paid family leave and dependent care assistance.
  • Make sure health insurance and other applicable benefits are also offered for same-sex couples and domestic partners.
  • A range of flexibility options, like remote working or flexible schedules, can help employees with family, disability, or other concerns.
  • Not all employees celebrate the same holidays, religious or not. Floating holidays can ensure that they take time off when it’s applicable to their beliefs or culture.
  • Ask your employees directly what they want or what they feel they are missing from their current benefits package.

Remember that your employee benefits package will only be designed for a diverse workplace if the offerings are applicable to everyone on your team. Avoid making assumptions about what’s important to your employees, and you’ll quickly be on your way to an inclusive, satisfying benefits package.

How Diversity and Inclusion Drive Business Value and Profitability

You may already know how valuable diversity and inclusion (D&I) are to the satisfaction of your workforce and to your recruitment efforts and ability to retain top talent. But did you know that these important considerations can also pay off financially? And that D&I efforts can have a significant impact on your workforce’s productivity?

Many Finance leaders are catching wind, as Deloitte’s 2019 CFO Signals survey showed that two-thirds of finance heads from large companies said they now have a form D&I strategy in place at their organizations.

So, aside from D&I being top priorities for businesses because of the ethical and moral implications, it helps to recognize that there are additional benefits for the business’ bottom-line as well. In this post we’ll take a look at what the research shows about how D&I can help financial professionals drive business value and profitability.

Driving the value of your business

It’s now becoming common knowledge that a more diverse and inclusive workforce means stronger organizational performance. This can be broken down into several categories, including retaining talent, employee satisfaction and well-being, and greater workforce productivity.

Retaining talent. Workplaces that focus on D&I efforts and take steps to make employees feel more welcome tend to retain talent better than those that don’t. For example, a report from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation showed that 1 in 4 LGBTQ workers have stayed at a company because of an accepting environment. And it makes sense—employees who feel unrecognized and excluded are more likely to be unhappy with their job and ultimately, they will leave.

Employee satisfaction. On a similar note, it’s important to emphasize that welcoming workplace environments foster more satisfied employees. Modern workers want to work in environments that not only don’t discriminate, but that also encourage openness about differences.

Gone are the days when biases and discrimination are the norms in offices. Instead, creating inclusive, diverse environments drive business value because employees will be more fulfilled by the work they’re doing. An employee survey from Deloitte showed that there is a strong correlation between employees being happy at work and feeling valued by their company.

Greater productivity. More diverse teams tend to be more productive as well. The combination of differing perspectives make efforts more creative, and can open the eyes of team members to views they wouldn’t be able to otherwise see themselves. With more diverse skillsets, experiences, and ideas, organizations can produce and create in more innovative ways.

Increasing Profitability

In addition to creating a more valuable workforce, D&I efforts have proven to contribute to increased profitability businesses as well. Research from McKinsey & Company shows that companies that have more racially and ethnically diverse workforces are 35% more likely to have greater financial returns than industry medians, and those with greater gender diversity are 15% more likely to see better returns.

McKinsey data also shows that in the U.S., for every 10% increase in ethnic and racial diversity on the executive team, annual company earnings rise roughly 1%.

A more recent study from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) shows that companies with above-average diversity on their leadership teams have a 20% advantage in revenue from innovative products and services for their companies over management teams with below-average diversity. These improved financial results come from the varying perspectives and insights that diverse teams bring to the table.

Effective strategies for addressing D&I in your organization

Clearly, there is a strong business case for a more intentional and thoughtful approach to D&I at your business. Aside from the fact that employees will be more satisfied and fulfilled, the business will likely perform better financially.

The strategies outlined below will help you get started with your D&I initiatives and sustain your program’s success in the long-term.

1. Make sure the strategy is known throughout the company

A good first step in addressing D&I is ensuring that the entire company knows about your efforts and that it matters to you and the entire executive team. Less than half of respondents in the Deloitte CFO Signals survey indicated that their D&I strategy is known throughout the company, so there’s still plenty of work to do in this area.

Start by sending around an email on these topics, initiating regular trainings related to D&I, or bringing up issues during company-wide, as well as departmental-wide, meetings.

2. Set up a measurement technique

As with any company strategy, a measurement process will hold you accountable and ensure that goals are being met. Try implementing things like regular employee surveys, and actually measure your diversity stats. Consider, who is underrepresented in each department’s management team? Gathering this data will help you to measure if your efforts are actually working, and you can update your strategy accordingly.

3. Update your hiring approach

These efforts go hand-in-hand with your HR department and the company’s hiring policies. First make sure that D&I is fully integrated into the employee handbook and other policy documents. This will make it clear to employees that it is a serious matter that is given priority at your business.

Then, make sure that hiring and interviewing techniques support these important policies. For example, what kind of questions are being asked on applications? Or in interviews? You must ensure that every employee the conducts interviews understands what type of interview questions are and are not acceptable, especially when considering sensitive D&I topics.

4. Don’t be afraid to admit fault

Finally, as the CFO or head of finance, you help set the example for much of the company. Part of being a genuine leader and exuding integrity is admitting when something isn’t where it needs to be.

This means that if a diversity goal isn’t being met—for example, if the company executive team includes solely older white males—you might admit that this is something the company is working on addressing to integrate more diverse perspectives. Then, you can show your workforce the strategies you’re putting in place to fix things. These tactics show departments across the board that you take D&I seriously and that you’re actually following through on promises.

Good leaders know when to discuss a challenge area instead of pretending like no areas for improvement exist.

Key takeaways

D&I continues to drive high performance and profits for companies across industries. As a financial leader within your organization, it’s important that you realize the value D&I brings to any team, in addition to the steps you can take to make it happen.


  • D&I helps increase business value by retaining talent, increasing employee satisfaction, and driving productivity.
  • Your bottom line will thank you for your D&I efforts, as more diverse workforces and executive teams mean more revenue and increased business profitability.
  • No matter the numbers, diverse perspectives bring invaluable expertise and viewpoints to teams to make them more creative and productive.
  • Implement D&I into your strategy by:
    • Distributing knowledge throughout the company
    • Setting up ways to measure success
    • Updating your approach to hiring and interviewing
    • Admitting there are areas for improvement within the organization and creating a plan to improve these areas

In addition to these key takeaways, remember to always remain open to change and thus open to the broad range of perspectives that can exist within your company. This viewpoint alone will help you to give D&I the time and attention it deserves.