HR, benefits & insurance resources to help you supercharge your people processes
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How to Build a High-Impact Benefits Package that Will Help Your Business Win the War for Top Talent
The unemployment rate has now fallen to 3.6%, according to recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. While American workers welcome the news, it can be a challenge in this climate for hiring managers to stand out and continue attracting the best...
New Laws In Illinois Will Impact Your Business: Find Out How
Several new laws have been passed in the Illinois General Assembly recently that will impact both employers and employees across Illinois. The last step before enactment is for Governor Pritzker to sign off on these bills. The new laws bring several changes to the...
Should you hire a head of HR? How to Know It’s the Right Time
If your business is like most, in the early stages it was all-hands-on-deck with everyone doing whatever it took to keep the organization afloat. You likely pieced together a human resources process with several people taking on various duties. Managing HR may be...
Why Gen Y and Gen Z Employees Leave and What You Can Do About It
Generations Y and Z will become the largest living generations in 2019, having already have surpassed Generation X in the workplace, and by next year will represent half of all workers globally. With so many working for you, understanding what makes them tick – and...
The Complete Guide to Hiring the Right Benefits Broker
Are you looking to hire an employee benefits broker and don't know where to start? Or have you had the same broker for a while and are now wondering whether you could do better? Picking the right benefits broker is challenging, especially because the right partner can...
Are you a CFO in Charge of HR? What You Need to Know
As a CFO, your job isn't easy even at the best of times. You're responsible for managing the company's financial health, capital investments, and return on those investments. And as if that wasn't enough, many modern CFOs have now been given ownership over their...
Why Data-Driven HR is More Important Now Than Ever Before
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that April 2019 marked the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years and that year-over-year average hourly earnings have risen at or above 3% for nine straight months. While that’s good news for the U.S. economy, as an HR...
Massive Changes to Healthcare Will Effect Your Business: What You Need to Know
The healthcare industry in the U.S. is uniquely ripe for transformation. It is a dynamic and growing market with rampant inefficiencies that attracts new technology-savvy players seeking opportunity. Case in point: Ecommerce giant Amazon recently entered into a joint...
As A CEO Your Job is to Get the Right People in the Right Seats: Here’s How to Do It
The key to a healthy, productive business is to build a team of the right people and to make sure that employees are in the roles that fit them the best. Companies commonly make the mistake of hiring employees for their technical skills and experience, rather than...
Emotional Intelligence: An Increasingly Vital Skill for the Modern CFO
Many CFOs have built their careers on technical skills and financial smarts, but performance today is no longer solely measured on those abilities. For the modern CFO, a new set of soft skills built around emotional intelligence have become increasingly important in...
How to Build a Powerful Business Case for Your HR Initiatives
Why is it important for you to learn how to craft a powerful business case for your HR initiatives? Well, like any other major business undertaking, HR initiatives require time and resources in order to be effective and result in real change. Unfortunately, the people...
For HR Leaders: How to Have More Productive Conversations with CFOs
HR leaders and CFOs often see their roles as diametrically opposed and even in conflict with each other. Finance professionals can be frustrated by a perceived lack of ROI and measurability in HR, while HR leaders sometimes see their finance counterparts as...