HR, benefits & insurance resources to help you supercharge your people processes
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Illinois Employers: Are You Ready For Legalized Recreational Cannabis Affecting Your Workplace?
If not, now is the time! Illinois just became the 11th state to permit recreational cannabis. Governor Pritzker signed this legislation, as promised, on June 25, 2019. Beginning January 1, 2020, the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act (“Act”), will allow adults...
Want to Get the Most Out of Your Team? Financial Wellness Could Be the Answer
Building and maintaining an effective team is one of the greatest challenges that growing businesses face. It's a constant struggle to hire the right people, keep the team engaged and productive, and keep top performers from jumping ship. Given that 80% of full-time...
The Real Cost of Getting Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Wrong
When businesses truly embrace diversity and inclusion, they create a powerful, complementary team that’s unbeatable together . Unfortunately, though, there’s no magic wand you can wave to get there. To leverage the incredible team-building and innovative potential of...
Why We Insist on Being Thoughtfully Candid
At Launchways, we believe in doing something radical in the business world: telling the truth. We have seen clients succeed and fail based on their ability to foster a vibrant company culture and engage their people power. And we have found that honesty, transparency,...
Launchways Announces Strategic Partnership with HR Technology Company Rippling
CHICAGO, Oct. 1, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Launchways, a leading provider of human resources, employee benefits, and business insurance solutions, today announced that it is partnering with Rippling to provide its clients with an integrated HR, payroll, and...
How to Have a Successful Open Enrollment This Year
Health benefits are important to everyone. Your employees need them for their well-being and you need healthy employees who want to stay and work for you. The benefits you offer show how important your employees are to you. Unfortunately, most employees don’t fully...
How We Do Things Differently at Launchways: Always Doing What’s Best for the Client
At Launchways we take a drastically different approach to benefits and human resources. We believe that we do best for ourselves by doing best for our clients and that our clients thrive when they do right by their employees. We know that benefits and effective HR are...
The Real Value of Company Values
I’ve been building, managing, and supporting strong, functional teams for two decades, and while I get lots of great questions from emerging leaders and HR professionals every day, so many of their concerns boil down to two key questions: How can I center my team to...
Are You Overspending on Benefits Your Employees Don’t Need or Want?
As we approach 2020, businesses are more concerned than ever with being scaled and built for profitability. Teams are leaner than ever, superstar talent carry greater workloads, and businesses that aren’t built for sustained growth are disappearing fast. In that quest...
Illinois Employers: What You Need to Know about the New Sexual Harassment Training Requirements
Illinois is seeing some big changes to anti-harassment training requirements for employers. Governor Pritzker signed Senate Bill 75, the Workplace Transparency Act, on August 9th, 2019. This bill amends the Illinois Human Rights Act to add sexual harassment training...
Still Fully-Insured? A Growing Business’ Pathway to Self-Funding
Most businesses begin their employee benefit journey fully-insured for good reason. Early in a business’ growth cycle, it’s highly advantageous to keep monthly healthcare expenses predictable and under control, with any variation squarely the carrier’s problem....
How to Design Benefits for a Diverse Workforce
Addressing diversity and inclusion within your workplace is more than just giving trainings and seminars and sending informational emails. Only with true action will employees know that you’re addressing their concerns, and it can take time to show them just how...