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Executive Summary: Families First Coronavirus Response Act Clarifications from the Department of Labor
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) provides expanded paid leave for employees who are sick, caring for sick family members, or supervising children whose schools or daycare facilities are closed due to COVID-19. Since the announcement of the Act a...
COVID-19 Q&A for Human Resources Professionals & Business Leaders
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been doing a lot of talking and listening about one particular topic: COVID-19. HR and business leaders are all doing their best to address the situation in the best, safest way possible, but there’s a lack of clarity out there when it...
How Launchways is Embracing Remote Work to Protect Employees & Serve Clients
Launchways is adjusting along with the rest of the world to comply with guidance from public health experts without sacrificing continuity of service for our clients. We’ve always offered progressive work-from-home plans and evangelized for work arrangement...
What is the difference between a layoff and a furlough?
The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has many businesses rethinking their operations in the near future. Due to global economic panic and productivity interruptions from the illness, many organizations are faced with downsizing, at least temporarily, in order to weather the...
Stream Launchways’ Comprehensive COVID-19 Webinar Today
The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has caused significant disruption for people and businesses alike. But while the challenges are very real, they are made much worse by the amount of uncertainty and misinformation that surrounds the outbreak. To combat the spread of...
What is the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and how will it Affect Your Business?
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act was signed into law on March 18, 2020. In the coming days and weeks, federal regulatory agencies, including the Department of Labor (DOL) and Health and Human Services (HHS), will provide guidance on how to execute or...
What You Need to Know to Lead Your Business Through COVID-19
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is creating a variety of newresponsibilities for business leaders and HR departments that many of us neverimagined we’d have to worry about. In spite of the challenges, this is a timefor decisive and powerful leadership to grab the bull...
What New COVID-19 Legislation Means for Your Business
The COVID-19 pandemic is a moment that will be written about in history books for centuries to come. The world hasn’t been united by a common cause in this way for quite some time. During this time, showing our collective strength and resilience as a business space...
The Essential Guide to Emergency Preparedness Plans for Businesses
In recent weeks, the global outbreak of COVID-19 has laid bare what many risk and safety experts have known for a long time: businesses are generally far less prepared for most emergency situations than they realize. That’s why we decided to take this moment to...
Launchways & Chill Partnering to Provide Free Daily Remote Communal Guided Meditation During COVID-19 Social Distancing
Supporting workplace mental health is a growing area of relevance and need for all businesses. Now, faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, our workforce is under greater physical and mental assault than at any point in recent memory. That’s why Launchways and Chill Chicago...
The Employer’s Guide to Social Distancing
With the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, employers around the world are searching for answers as to how they can protect the health of the workforce, maintain some semblance of productivity, and minimize the devastating impact of this novel virus. The Centers for...
How to Manage a Remote Workforce
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses who previously resisted work-from-home strategies are diving into the deep end of the remote work pool. In order to minimize COVID-19’s impact on the economy, workforce, and country generally, businesses of all sizes...