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What You Need to Know About COVID-19 and the ADA
As our nation prepares to cautiously re-open the economy in the wake of COVID-19, there are still many reasonable questions about what “business as usual” will look like for the near future. The interpretation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) moving...
Preparing to Go Back to Work Safely after Quarantines are Lifted
At some point, the quarantine will end and companies will start getting back to business. However, it’s unlikely this return will be “business as usual,” but will instead have to factor in the new nuances COVID-19 has brought about. How we handle going back to work...
The Most Common COVID-19 Questions We’re Helping Businesses Navigate
It’s hard to believe we’ve been focusing our work at Launchways on helping businesses thrive, survive, and protect their employees during COVID-19 for just over a month now. As we’ve worked to support our clients during this evolving situation, we’ve found that...
What Employers Need to Know About OSHA and COVID-19
The COVID-19 outbreak presents a many challenges for business owners, executives, and HR professionals. Keeping business running smoothly amid dwindling demand, supply-line disruptions, and quarantines is no easy task. An on top of these considerations, you also have...
How to Create a COVID-19 Addendum for Your Employee Handbook
COVID-19 is continuing to affect our ability to do work in the way we’re all used to. For billions of workers around the world, there has never been a greater time of uncertainty and concern. In order to continue the work effectively, you need to address those...
Launchways Partners Offer Support for Businesses in the Time of COVID-19
During these uncertain times, it’s more crucial than ever for the business community to come together and provide mutual support in ways that identify impactful best practices, connect colleagues with the tools they need to get work done, and ensure we’re all adapting...
How Does COVID-19 Impact Your Employee Benefits Program?
There’s never been a moment in recent history where access to healthcare and other employee benefits was quite so important. As we enter the predicted “surge week” here in the United States, HR and business leaders across the country are scrambling to determine how...
Launchways Client LulaFit Enabling Employee Fitness & Positive Team Time During COVID-19
The ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has dominated the headlines and business dialogue for the last month. It’s easy to get bogged down in the daily numbers and constant flood of guidance updates, but it’s also important to maintain hope in the power and...
What to Do if an Employee Gets COVID-19
From supply chain disruptions to shrinking demand, business owners have to contend with a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic. But often the most stressful task is protecting employees from exposure while keeping your business running. Fear of an office outbreak is...
CARES Act Brings Bailout Protections for Individuals & Businesses
Just before midnight Wednesday night, the Senate passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The Act creates further economic protections for individuals and businesses in addition to the FMLA and paid sick team leave expansions created by...
In the Midst of the COVID-19 Outbreak Telemedicine Is More Important Now Than Ever More
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has put telemedicine in the spotlight and directed new resources towards this crucial healthcare innovation. Over the past few years, telemedicine has gained traction with forward-thinking growing businesses and benefits brokers as a...
COVID-19 Is Hitting Growing Businesses the Hardest: Here’s What They Can Do
In the last few weeks, the global economy has felt the pinch of coronavirus in a major way. The stock market has been dangerously volatile, and the federal government has announced a multi-trillion-dollar bailout. While the media focus has been primarily on the...