HR, benefits & insurance resources to help you supercharge your people processes
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Accountability, Trust, and Success in the Remote Environment
It’s natural for managers to wonder about their employees’ productivity levels in a remote work environment. Since the transition from a highly collaborative and supervised office to scattered, private homes, working people have faced a range of obstacles that have...
How To Address Unemployment Fraud During COVID-19
Among the many challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, one issue facing employers has proven to be more difficult to face than others. Unemployment fraud has become an excessive problem for many - one that, until now, many employers haven’t had to concern...
How Business Leaders Can Build a High-Functioning HR Department
Historically, Human Resources departments was seen as an administrative team within an organization that focused on regulatory compliance and payroll. However, in today’s ever-evolving and increasingly people-focused business world, HR has...
What You Need to Know About the New FMLA Forms
This July, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced that it would be revising the Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) forms. This would result in significant changes that require additional information in notices and certifications. Although the use of these forms is not...
Millennial Health Trends Impacting Your Employer Healthcare Costs
Millennials make up a significant portion of today’s workforce. Understanding millennial personalities, lifestyles, and well-being is key for many employers to successfully continue the operations of their organizations, especially in the wake of the COVID-19...
Actionable Strategies for Business Leaders to Align Their HR Technology With Overall Strategy
Strategic processes are found in many levels of businesses and other organizations. As a business leader, you likely spend your time in meetings discussing marketing strategy, financial strategy, pricing strategy, hiring strategy, and more. Yet, there is one strategic...
How COVID-19 is Impacting Employee Benefits for Growing Businesses
COVID-19 is Changing Priorities Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the benefits landscape has seen changes on a fundamental level. Both employers and employees have recognized the need for plans that cover the health and well-being of individuals and their families in...
Everything You Need to Know About Employee Benefits Compliance
As a business leader you work hard to take care of your employees. When it comes to employee health benefits, it’s important that you stay on top of ever-changing compliance requirements. Failing to do so can be detrimental to your business. Whether you are a growing...
How to Conduct a Remote Termination
One of the many new challenges that employers are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic is conducting terminations. Traditionally, terminations happen in-person, in a private office with HR and any other relevant departments represented. Now that many employees are...
OSHA Clarifies COVID-19 Infection Reporting Requirements for Employers
As temperatures begin to drop with the arrival of the fall season, certain areas of the U.S. are beginning to see a rise in confirmed COVID-19 cases. With infection rates trending back upward, it’s important for employers to understand what their responsibilities are...
Managing Political Discussion in the Workplace
Managing civil political conversations in the workplace is always a challenge for employers and can often feel like navigating a minefield in an election year. Within an increasingly polarizing political environment, it can certainly be easy to let political...
Medicare Part D Notices – An Overview for Employers
Employers and their group health plan sponsors will want to mark October 15, 2020 on their calendars. This is the deadline for plan sponsors to disclose to individuals who are eligible for Medicare Part D and to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)...